--- On Sun, 1/31/10, Richard Sanders <overcoat@rogers.com> wrote:
The Haitian NGOs listed below issued a strong condemnation of the massive military occupation of Haiti by the US. (They make no mention of MINUSTAH's UN forces, though.)
An excerpt from their statement is seen below. For the complete statement go here:
Note: Many (perhaps most?) of the NGOs that signed this statement were very deeply complicit in supporting the deceitful political campaigns that were used to discredit, undermine, destabilise and eventually destroy Aristide's democratically-elected government in 2004. They not only helped set the stage for the 2004 coup, many (most?) of these NGOs were then conspicuously silent about the vicious dictatorship that the coup put in place, even when it perpetrated massive human rights violations. One NGO listed below, RNDDH, actually aided and abetted in these violations through its work with the "Department of Justice" during Latortue's murderous dictatorship and even bragged to CIDA, claiming credit for having Prime Minister Neptune arrested, saying it was one of the accomplishments they'd achieved using CIDA funding! More on all that complicity here at
Here's the pertinent part of their statement:
Statement by the Coordinating Committee of Progressive Organisations (listed below). Port-au-Prince, 27th January 2010
"We must also declare our anger and indignation at the exploitation of the situation in Haiti to justify a new invasion by 20,000 U.S. Marines. We condemn what threatens to become a new military occupation by U.S. troops, the third in our history. It is clearly part of a strategy to remilitarise the Caribbean Basin in the context of the imperialist response to the growing rebellion of the peoples of our continent against neo-liberal globalization. And it exists also within a framework of pre-emptive warfare designed to confront the eventual social explosion of a people crushed by poverty and facing despair. We condemn the model imposed by the U.S. government and the military response to a tragic humanitarian crisis. The occupation of the Toussaint Louverture international airport and other elements of the national infrastructure has deprived the Haitian people of part of the contribution made by Caricom, by Venezuela, and by some European countries. We condemn this conduct, and refuse absolutely to allow our country to become another military base. As leaders of the organizations and platform."
For the Coordinating Committee: Sony Estéus Director of SAKS Marie Carmelle Fils-Aimé Programme officer for ICKL Camille Chalmers Director of PAPDA
On behalf of the organizations and platforms taking part in this initiative: Marc Arthur Fils-Aimé, Institut Culturel Karl Léveque (ICKL); Maxime J. Rony, Programme alternatif de Justice (PAJ); Sony Estéus, Sosyete Animasyon ak Kominikasyon Sosyal (SAKS); Chenet Jean Baptiste, Institut de Technologie et d'animation (ITECA); Antonal Mortimé, Plateforme des Organisations Haïtiennes de Droits Humains (POHDH) composed of: Justice et Paix (JILAP), Centre de recherches Sociales et de Formation pour le Développement (CRESFED), Groupe Assistance Juridique (GAJ), Institut Culturel Karl Léveque (ICKL), Programme pour une Alternative de Justice (PAJ), Sant Karl Lévèque (SKL), Réseau National de Défense des Droits Humains (RNDDH), Conférence haïtienne des Religieux (CORAL-CHR) Camille Chalmers, Plateforme haïtienne de Plaidoyer pour un Développement Alternatif (PAPDA) composed of: Institut de Technologie et d'animation (ITECA), Solidarite Fanm Ayisyèn (SOFA), Centre de Recherches Actions pour le Développement (CRAD), Mouvman Inite Ti Peyizan Latibonit (MITPA), Institut Culturel Karl Léveque (ICKL), Association Nationale des Agroprofessionnels Haïtiens (ANDAH)
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