
Monday, February 1, 2010

Fwd: [Info.haiti] Updates from Haitian Ministries

Bob Belenky
80 Lyme Road, apt 105
Hanover, NH 03755-1229
603 678-4155 or 802 428-4141

Begin forwarded message:

From: Haitian Ministries <>
Date: February 1, 2010 9:12:29 AM EST
Subject: [Info.haiti] Updates from Haitian Ministries


Above are pictures of the Norwich Mission House in Port-au-Prince, with before and after shots.  For more information and pictures please check out our website at  Future updates will include more information about Emily Smack and Kyn Tolson current trip to Haiti.


       The Bond for Haiti Fundraiser

                      The BOND for HAITI
WHERE:       Ann Howard @ The Bond Ballroom
                      38 Asylum Street – Hartford, CT 06103
WHEN:         Friday, February 5, 2010
                      6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
WHAT:         Music by Shaded Soul Band
                      Hors d'oeuvre Stations
                      Light Refreshments – Cash Bar
                           $25.00 per ticket
          (Tickets may be purchased at the door)
                To benefit Haitian Ministries
               A presence in Haiti for 25 years

Contributions for Haiti Deductible on 2009 Returns
On January 22, 2010, President Obama signed into law an Act which permits taxpayers to deduction certain 2010 contributions on their2009 income tax returns.  The rules are:
·         The contributions have to be to US charities providing earthquake relief in Haiti.
·         The contributions cannot be designated for the benefit of specific individuals or families.
·         The contributions have to be after January 11, 2010, and before March 1, 2010.  In other words only qualifying contributions made from Jan 12, 2010-Feb 28, 2010.
·         Only cash contribution qualify (cash, check, credit card, and text message are all valid).  Contributions of property do not qualify for this special election.
·         Taxpayer can choose to claim these contributions as deductions in either 2009 or 2010, but not both years.
·         Taxpayer must still itemize in order to benefit from charitable contribution deductions, including these.


Keeping Promises in Haiti by Barbara Wysocki reflects on her recent visit to Haiti, and the promises being made to help its recovery.

If you are asked for recommendations for online resources about helping children--and adults-- cope with the traumatic news about the earthquake in Haiti, here are some suggestions….
"Talking to Kids About World Natural Disasters"
Advice from a child psychologist at the New York Child Study Center
 "Managing your distress about the earthquake from afar"
An article from the website of the American Psychological Association, national professional association of psychologists
 "Talking to Children about Earthquakes and other Natural Disasters"
 Written by a child and adolescent psychiatrist. On the website of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
"The Tragedy in Haiti: Helping Children Cope: Tips for Parents and Caregivers."         
Ideas for helping all children and adolescents as well as those in the U.S. whose families have been personally impacted by the Haitian earthquake.  From the website of the National Association of School Psychologists

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