
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Haiti: By M. Jean-Junior Montout, a Haitian friend


Haiti, pearl of the Caribbean, Haiti, land of Freedom, Haiti, land of liberty
Haiti first Black Republic, Haiti the country that fought beside the American people in Savannah for their Freedom, Haiti, the country that Helped Simon Bolivar to give the freedom to Venezuela, Colombia and Equator in 1816, Haiti, the land that helped Francisco Miranda to create the flag of Columbia, Venezuela on 12 march 1806 with yellow for the Spanish flag and blue and red for the Haitian flag .It was the Haitian nation that contributed to the freedom of our world. Haiti, land of Voodoo, where the rhythm of the drum and the song keep the Haitian spirit strong.
Haiti, land of poverty, Haiti, poorest country on the American Continent, Haiti, land where 80 per cent of the population live in poverty, Haiti, land that was abused by his own people and by some international governments, Haiti, land that on 12 January 2010 was hit by an earthquake that killed about 170.000 people, Haiti, land that needs your Help now.
As a son of Haiti, the rest of the Haitian people use my voice to ask you what kind of Haiti they need. A Haiti where the Haitian people live in peace and harmony?
A Haiti, where the justice is for all people, not only the elite class, but for the poor people also. A Haiti where instead to send them soldiers with weapons, they ask you to send them doctors, agronomy, engineers, technicians and professors.
A Haiti instead to send them rice, beans, tomatoes, sugar, send them some semen, some tractors to produce their own rice, because we have Artibonite, to produce their own sugar, because we have Leogane and Jacmel .
They don’t need Mulate Haiti or Black Haiti but they need one Republic Haiti where Black and Mulate work together to build up their country. They don’t need a French Haiti or Creole Haiti but they need a Haiti, where people can used both languages to work and speak together. They don’t need their products to be destroyed but they need you to open your market to them where they can sell their products.
They don’t need soldiers to kill their children but they ask you to visit Haiti as tourists, as former President Bill Clinton and his wife Secretary of State did for their honeymoon. They need you to help them control their money, so that it is used wisely by the government .They need you to send more Human Resource organizations like VFP ……they need you to support those kind of organizations, because with organisation like this they will have the chance to know our world well, which will help them to learn something that will help their community in the future. I am one example for this. With VFP I had the chance to be a better person. It helped me to care more about my country and to do whatever it takes to help to rebuild my country.
They need you instead to build more prisons and police stations, build more universities and create more jobs for them. They need you instead to produce power via gas, and help them to create alternative energies, because they have sun, they have wind, and they have water.
They need you to build more hospitals, because they don’t have enough to cure all patients.
They need you to work together with them to build a new Haiti, a Haiti where each child has the chance to go to school, a Haiti where each Haitian has the chance to eat and to drink clean water.

With your support and the help of the Haitian people I am optimistic that Haiti will return as the pearl of the Caribbean.

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