PS Added to the recently shared, article below, you might want to look at this:
This second, earlier article, adds scary credibility to the first, doesn't it?.
Is Haiti's deadly cholera outbreak an imported disease? by Ezili Dantò
Is Haiti's deadly cholera outbreak an imported disease? by Ezili Dantò
"Cholera is caused by drinking dirty toxic water, or eating food cooked in
contaminated water. The surprise is that Haitians not directly affected by the
earthquake, living outside of the capital in areas where there has always been
a shortage of clean drinking water are suddenly getting sick. Where are the
additional toxins coming from? The assumption the International NGOs, aid
agencies and UN are making is that the Artibonite River is contaminated, making
the people living in the regions where the river crosses sick with cholera. But
how did this river, situated North from the earthquake devastation in Port au
Prince and other areas South become the source of the cholera disease? How did
it move up North to the Artibonite River from the Southern parts of Haiti?
"There is no evidence," suggests Dr. Gabriel Timothee, a Haitian public health
official, that the Artibonite River is the source of the disease and
"examinations are under way to try to determine the source of the disease."
(See, Alterpress - Haïti-Choléra : Situation d'urgence humanitaire 9 mois
après la catastrophe du 12 janvier.)
...The suffering for Haitians deepen. The questions mount. Why are people in
the Artibonite and Central areas suddenly suffering in great numbers from
drinking brackish water that's been that way for centuries, and not killed
them? What's the new element contaminating the Artibonite River that hasn't
been in Haiti for a century? Could the unregulated gold, copper, iridium and
other toxic mining operations up North of the Artibonite River, by Western
companies benefiting from the 2004 Bush Regime change and UN occupation, be the
new element polluting Haiti's water table? (See, Haiti's Riches:Interview
with Ezili Dantò on Mining in Haiti)
Speaking of brackish water, if it's proven that the Artibonite River is
infected and that this most likely comes from an infected Haitian person from
the earthquake refugee camps, who travelled North, then any scientific analysis
of this cholera situation must also take into account that the displaced people
in the camps of Port au Prince have been complaining since two months after the
earthquake that the Red Cross water they've been given to drink, for instance,
gives them stomach aches.
No one knows for sure yet how cholera got to Haiti. But it's in Haiti now and
either foul drinking water or food that's been soaked or cooked in contaminated
water is killing a new crop of Haitians, giving them cholera while donations
that could have provided permanent clean drinking water are collecting
interests for the thousands of charity organizations making a business out of
poverty and the earthquake in Haiti.
AP, BBC, the New York Times and other mainstream news parrot each other, not
emphasizing that cholera has never before been found in Haiti. The racist
assumption is Haitians are always diseased and the invasion of international
charity workers and UN soldiers are all healthy from countries with no cholera
diseases, so these news agencies mostly write that cholera has not been found
in Haiti for "centuries." But at least one news report does firmly explains
that this is the first time that cholera has been found in Haiti and this
cholera epidemic most likely was imported to Haiti by a healthy carrier after
the earthquake."
Cholera is not an air-borne or communicable disease. It's not terminal and
can be easily treated. It's an intestinal infection caused by eating or
drinking contaminated food or water. But the Dominican Republic sealed its
border with "cholera-plagued" Haiti (, presumably so not
to be contaminated by the "contagious, disease-ridden Haitians." Of course it
matters not that the evidence is not yet in as to what's the source of the
disease or whether a non-Haitian, such as the UN soldiers or the aid workers,
transmitted the disease from their countries into Haiti and are infecting and
transmitting to vulnerable and over-stressed Haitians. Haiti is blamed just as
it was erroneously blamed and ostracized for originating the HIV virus.
(For complete article, go to: Is Haiti's deadly cholera outbreak an imported
disease? by Ezili Dantò
Forwarded by Ezili's Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network
(Ezili Dantò's note:
Amongst some of the testimonies that's not clearly translated in this most
valuable video: a woman points to a water drum with a "Red Cross" sign on it
and says that even the water they give is not treated. She explains that she
drinks it because she has no money to buy good drinkable water but suffers
right now from a stomach ache from drinking the Red Cross' polluted water. For
another video testimony of brackish Red Cross water in Haiti.
Video - How did the Red Cross spend $106 Million Dollars in Haiti - ;
View also - Cholera confirmed in Haiti capital. - .)
Haiti reports 25 new cholera deaths
Dominican Republic Seals Border With Cholera-Plagued Haiti -
Bob Belenky
80 Lyme Road, apt 105
Hanover, NH 03755-1229
603 678-4155/ 802 428-4141/Skype: bobelenk
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