
Sunday, July 25, 2010

I Paddled the Kayak

I paddled the kayak across the lake this morning.  The sky was windy, sweeping gray with occasional blue expanses blinking in and out and then it rained, not much, it was little more than a drizzle enough to intimidate me alone and unprotected a half mile out on open water.  I feared my body being stung by the lightning and my soul swept away by the winds.  But it was not to be.  There was little more than a drizzle and I returned to shore without incident.  I hauled the kayak to its secret cache and returned to the house.  Oh how I missed dear Jenny, our dog of thirteen years who died of cancer and old age in May.  We walked together on this path so many times.  So very many times.

PO Box 97
Marshfield, VT 05658-0097
603 678-4155/ 802 428-4141/Skype: bobelenk

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